Session 1
After making several copies of the selected photo I used the best size to fit an 8 x 10” size panel. I began by carefully drawing outlines of the hamster and figurine in light pencil. Next I mixed raw umber with a little light gray for the hamster and painted over the pencil drawing focusing on the outline and identifying the darkest areas first. I blended the lines with a soft bristle brush to soften the edges. After I developed the form to my satisfaction I leave it to dry as it will serve as my schematic to work from in future sessions. Using a medium gray I paint over my pencil line drawing of the figurine and small rocks. I will let this dry as well before proceeding. I have found that letting the painting dry does take an element of patience but feel it is worth it in order to retain the form achieved so far. In the past, I have sacrificed form when working on a painting before the previous session has dried. Although the original photo included what looks like a lava lamp, I leave it out of the painting as well as it’s shadow, so I don’t over complicate the composition. This is the end of session 1.