Session 1
Having just finished a copy of the painting The Spirit of ‘76 by Archbald Willard I decided to do some reading on the American Revolutionary War. I am currently reading David McCullough’s book 1776 which is a non-fiction work based upon original letters and documents from that era. In his book Mr McCullough presents a thorough description and characterization of George Washington. As I have always wanted to do a painting of George, I began looking for something to copy.
I located two portraits of Washington painted by Constantino Brumidi, an artist I have never heard of before and found two of his paintings that I decided to use for my copy.
When I printed the image of the portrait I wanted to copy, it measured 4.5 x 5.5 inches. Both Brumidi’s portraits were in the oval form and I have an oval frame that would work that accepts a canvas that measures 16 x 20 inches with the oval size measuring 15 inches wide at the width by a height of 19 inches. In order to enlarge the original image I used the old master’s technique of drawing a graph over the image. I then took a piece of construction paper 16 x 20 inches and drew the same graph in proportion to the smaller graph on the original image. I cut just the oval out before I got ready to put the image on the canvas board. The original painting with the graph drawn over it and application of the enlarged image to the canvas board is shown in session 2. This is the end of session 1.