Mongolian Eagle Hunter

This painting is based upon a special project reported on some time ago by a national tv network about Mongolians who hunt small game with golden eagles. The Mongolian bonds with a particular eagle and they work together hunting small game……sometimes for years. At some point though, the Mongolian will release the eagle back into the wilds to allow the bird to mate and produce offspring. This painting was a fill-in project that I worked on in between commissions and it took me over two years to complete.


I asked for different photos of Kevin to reflect different states of mind in the bird.

Kevin (the Bird)

This is my painting of a wild partridge that my nephew John Pitera named “Kevin” ……John regularly feeds him near his summer camp in Booneville, NY. I wondered how he came to be feeding the wild bird. John told me the following story:

“ In August 2018 I was picking raspberries; I looked over and a bird was starring at me…….of course I threw him the raspberries, and the relationship began from there….Kevin has made it through two winters now and hangs around in the same area where we met…….that’s why he is still alive…..I feed him to keep him healthy……so far so good this year” (2020).

Johns story touched me so I decided to paint Kevin for him.