Session 1
To begin I outlined the figure with light gray paint. I scrubbed in the background with Naples yellow and a little solvent. Once this dries I will start session 2. This is the end of session 1.

To begin I outlined the figure with light gray paint. I scrubbed in the background with Naples yellow and a little solvent. Once this dries I will start session 2. This is the end of session 1.
I began this session by outlining facial features with a slightly darker gray paint to better establish them. I left the sport jacket unpainted so far. This is the end of session 2.
I worked the facial features and hair with various tones of gray to develop the planes of the face. I under painted the sports jacket and tie with gray paint. I am following a technique of the old masters that involved painting a figure with shades of gray to set the form, letting it dry, then painting over it with color. This is the end of session 3.
This session involved better defining the form with dark brown paint and a layer of burnt sienna in the hair. This is the end of session 4.
For this session I mixed an old masters formula of yellow ochre, vermillion, and white. I add the color carefully following the values set by the gray under layer. This is the end of session 5.
In session 6, I added a light layer of burnt sienna to the sports jacket and tie. This is the end of this session.
During this session I glazed in Naples yellow for the tie and added a little more burnt sienna to the jacket. This is the end of session 7.
Session 8 included outlining the jacket and tie with burnt umber. I also added a layer of Naples yellow with a little burnt sienna to the background.
In this session I worked the jacket and tie by adding more burnt sienna with a little burnt umber.
In this session I added another layer to the background with Naples yellow with a little burnt sienna added. I also added shading to the shadows in the face and jacket. This is the end of session 10.
Session 11 was devoted to adding highlights to the face, hair, and tie. I also touched up some details around the eyes and added optic light on the (viewer’s) right side of the face. This is the end of session 11.
This session was my chance to correct small things that may not be readily apparent. I signed the painting in the lower left corner. This is the end of session 12.
My final session included adding another background layer. I also added another layer of burnt sienna to the coat jacket and added some detail to the tie. After signing it in the lower left hand corner I let it dry thoroughly and then applied a coat of varnish. After putting it in it’s frame, I added a gesso square on the back and wrote some notes on Alan Turing.